The Customs bonded warehouse is the place destined to the temporary custody of the goods whose administration can be performed by the customs authorities, other public agencies or natural or legal persons, meaning as such to temporary deposits and customs warehouses.
Temporary Deposits
Temporary deposits are those premises where goods pending and/or temporarily stored pending authorization by the customs authority are entered and/or stored.
Image source: pinterest
Image source: pinterest
The export cargo is usually placed temporarily in a customs warehouse, pending the customs order for the release or exit of the merchandise abroad. This is done once the exporter reached an agreement with the sea or air carrier, or received the instructions of the importer when he is in charge of international transport (depending on the Incoterms rule).
On the seaway, to enter the cargo to the customs warehouse designated by the exporter or the maritime carrier (shipping company or its general agent representative), the booking and the Single Customs Declaration (DUA) are required. In the case of air transport, the air waybill is required; and in the case of land transport, the transport document.
Customs Deposits
Any type of merchandise that has not been requested for consumption accept goods that have been requested under a customs regime may be stored in customs warehouses; that are in legal or voluntary abandonment; import banned, explosives, weapons and ammunition; luggage and household items; and postal and fast delivery.